Towarzystwo Przyjaciół w Toruniu


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Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o Kwakrach, odwiedź: / If you want to know more about Quakers, please visit: 

Towarzystwo Przyjaciół (Kwakrzy)

We welcome on the English version of the site of

Society of Friends (Quakers) in Toruń, Poland.

Witamy serdecznie na stronie internetowej

Towarzystwa Przyjaciół (Kwakrów) w Toruniu.

Jeśli mówisz po polsku,

zapraszamy do polskiej części niniejszej strony.

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Our Meetings

Society of Friends (Quakers) in Toruń, Poland 

Short information of our meetings ...

Friends in Torun have been meeting every Friday 6 p.m. 

regularly since 11 October 2013 r.  

(earlier we had been meeting in different days and hours)

Group: Conservative Friends

Type of meeting: unprogrammed meeting. 

Place of meeting

Attention !

On 2016 Friends in Torun meet in private flat of one member of Torun Meeting, persons who are interested in participation in Meetings are asked about prior contact by e-mail or phone mentioned below.   

(since 17 October 2014 r.)

- 1st and 3rd Friday of a Month

Poland, Toruń, Dwór Mieszczański (Burghers' Court),

4-6 Podmurna Street 

(building of Partner Cities Associacion in Toruń,

1st floor, door intercom: "Towarzystwo Przyjaciół")

- 2nd and 4th (sometimes 5th) Friday of a Month

Toruń, private flat of one of Our Group members

(if you want to visit us on 2nd and 4th (sometimes 5th) Friday of a Month, please send us an e-mail or call us or send us a text before meeting to get address of the meeting place)

Term of meeting: 

every Friday 6 pm - 10 pm (18.00 - 22.00)

Nature of meeting: our meetings are unprogrammed, but we organize it in specific order.

1. Preparing a meal.

2. Worship in silence.

3. Sharing with bread and wine for remembrance of Torment and Resurrection of Jezus Christ (maybe it is not a Quaker's custom, but very Christian's custom).

4. Sharing with words: we read Bible, George Fox's statements, Quaker Faith and Practice, christian apocrypha, Anthony de Mello's works and other wise books. 

5. Common meal, wine, tea, coffee.

6. Discussion.

7. Christian movie.

Contact with us


e-mail for Polish Friends:

mobile phone for English speaking Friends:

(+44) 7404 68 39 39

mobile phone for Polish speaking Friends:

(+48) 519 60 44 88

Our website:

How to get to our Meeting: 

We are waiting for thee with friendship ...

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If you want to know more about Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit the site:

This site is an official site of Society of Friends Torun Meeting (Poland),

sponsored by 

Society of Friends Foundation (Poland).

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Quaker Web:

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Kwakrzy w Polsce:

Kwakrzy w Warszawie

Kwakrzy w Poznaniu

Kwakrzy w Toruniu

Fundacja Towarzystwo Przyjaciół

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Kwakierskie organizacje międzynarodowe:

Friends World Commitee for Consultation

Światowy Komitet Przyjaciół na rzecz Konsultacji

Friends United Meeting (FUM)

Stowarzyszenie 26 Rocznych Zgromadzeń Chrześcijańskich Kwakrów z Płn. Ameryki, Afryki i Karaibów

Evangelical Friends Church International

Stowarzyszenie 1.100 zborów zrzeszających 140.000 Ewangelicznych Kwakrów w 24 krajach na całym świecie    

Friends General Conference

Stowarzyszenie regionalnych  wspólnot Kwakrów Liberalnych z terenu USA i Kanady

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Kwakrzy Konserwatywni w Europie:

Conservative Friends in Europe

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Kwakrzy Konserwatywni w USA:

Ohio Yearly Meeting 

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